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Course Objectives
1. Learners should be able to explain the fundamental concepts of CSS and its role in web development. This includes understanding the separation of concerns between HTML and CSS, basic CSS syntax, and how to structure and apply styles to web pages.
2. Learners should be able to manipulate the visual appearance of web pages using CSS properties. This covers styling elements like text, fonts, colors, backgrounds, borders, and margins.
3. Learners should be able to organize and reuse styles with selectors, classes, and IDs. This includes understanding how to target specific elements and groups of elements for efficient and maintainable styling.
4. Learners should be able to control the layout of web pages using CSS. This involves techniques like positioning elements, working with floats, and understanding responsive design principles for creating layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.

Average Review Score:
Well Explained

l Love the way it all explained.
Thanks Alot Sir

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